At least one of them knows about subtleties in the acting profession. Caine provides some much needed acting gravitas whenever he's paired up with Diesel in a scene.

He's the 36th person to be tasked with keeping Kaulder safe and doing his job. His handler is Dolan 36th (Michael Caine). His job is to hunt down the bad witches and bring them in for justice so witches can live in harmony with humans. A secret religious sect has been tasked with keeping him safe while he works in conjunction with the witch counsel. After Kaulder's curse, he becomes a witch hunter. The most interesting aspect of the movie is its mythology. So, while it may be a curse for him to live on and on with the memory of his murdered family, that sort of pain never comes across in Diesel's acting. Kaulder has a tortured past, but Diesel is unable to convey that through his emotions. When he's called upon to offer up a bit more emotion his performances usually fall flat. He's great in the Fast and Furious movies because Dominic Toretto is more, or less, Diesel. This is the type of emoting that escapes a Vin Diesel performance. It's a curse because Kaulder has to live on eternally with the memory of his wife and daughter who were killed by the witch. The queen is vanquished, but not before she curses Kaulder to live on for eternity. Most everyone on the team is killed, but Kaulder succeeds. She's causing the plague and they need to stop her. During the Black Plague, Kaulder and a team of burly dudes hunt down the Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht). The mythology of Diesel's character Kaulder is the most interesting aspect of the movie. Yet, there's enough there to hold interest, which is more than I thought would be possible. Sure, Vin Diesel's stone-like presence isn't great for a film like this, and sure the information surrounding his abilities as a witch hunter are murky. Perhaps my expectations were too low, but visiting it for the first time I must say it wasn't as horrible as I was imagining.

Judging by the initial reaction I dodged a bullet. I never caught The Last Witch Hunter on its initial theatrical release.